Tuesday, June 21, 2005

On Freedom

On Freedom
I posted something a few days ago with a few different paths, all generally leading in the same direction: being-together-in-the-world. In nearly all my writings, that remains the underlying subject that always informs everything. I wouldn't be bold to say that in all reality, being-together-in-the-world is the underlying drive that informs nearly all of our interactions (whether positively, or negatively - but, thats yet another discussion).
One the waypoints I've identified towards a better being-together is something we proclaim loudly as a proud manifestation of our current state of being: Freedom.
So I wish to question: How are we free? Where are we free?
Are you free to make up your mind? If you say you are - how so? What types of choices are you allowed?
I'm not saying that the state of our civilization allows us more choices than many others - I am thankful for the choices I have - but can we call the ability to choose between pre-ordained possibilities "Freedom."
Is a larger menu at McDonald's freedom? I would be saddened to liken such a valuable concept that so many people died under the impression of providing to a mere multiplication of choice.
Since its late, and I must sleep soon I'll be more blunt than usual: The freedom that we fight for, sing about, and paste all over slogans is neither freedom nor is it free. And those who wish to liken my last statement to some sort of "leftist rhetoric" will be sadly disappointed in that it is neither.
What I mean is that we have come upon an age of supposed freedom in where we have reached a pinnacle of knowledge, understanding, and choice. In this, this dark enlightenment, we have dogmatized the very thing that we idolize. This is not merely problem of politic, nor of capital, but of our very social being and consciousness.
Our willingness to beat back the door of fear and conquer every unknowable has instilled a set of rules, values, and knowledge-ability that has pigeonholed us into a sense of "understanding" that neither understands nor undergoes the trials of reason that (many would argue is the only thing that differentiates us from primates).
What I really mean to ask is this: What are the conditions for the possibility of freedom? When is the time where we can have this freedom? When is the place? What kind of work must we do?
I'm tired. My best wishes of freedom, and liberty (thats another night) for all.


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